Bekushiru: 2077 Nihon sakoku 2007

Animation Action Sci-Fi

Japan, 2077: A female agent named Vexille is dispatched to Tokyo to investigate whether Japanese are developing robotic technology, which has been banned by the U.N. due to its potential threat to humankind.

Todos los títulos
  • JP: Bekushiru: 2077 Nihon sakoku Bekushiru: 2077 Nihon sakoku
  • EE: Agent Vexille Agent Vexille
  • HU: Vexille Vexille
  • IT: Vexille Vexille
  • PL: Vexille Vexille
  • RO: Vexille Vexille
  • RU: Агент Вексилл Агент Вексилл
  • ES: Vexille Vexille
  • JP: Vexille Vexille
Fecha de lanzamiento 18 Aug 2007
Enlace IMDb
